We Storybirders are so cool; we’re fighting the Potato Apocalypse!

I just reread @firstredhead’s Fighting the Potato Apocalype, and I HAD to write a blog post on YSBU after my line in Chapter 4:

Cherry’s mouth gaped open in awe as she viewed the approaching army dig and push beneath the earth.
“I know this is a really bad time,” she said, not removing her gaze. “But this is so going on the blog.”

In case you didn’t know, APTers (a term we use for members of A Pointless Task) are obsessed with potatoes, for some reason. FtPA is this super-potatorific longform book which has a star-studded cast of characters which consists of various Storybirders (not all could be mentioned in this blog post, unfortunately). The plot is face-paced, intriguing and just – amazing. Even if you don’t know those Storybirders, it’s a great read. Now, onto the post:

Click the above image to start reading FtPA by firstredhead on Storybird

Continue reading “We Storybirders are so cool; we’re fighting the Potato Apocalypse!”

Hark, the Lark is near!

"Make and share art-inspired poetry."
“Make and share
art-inspired poetry.”

Today, on the Feedback Page, Sky[BluePurple] revealed some exciting news about Lark and the future of poetry on Storybird in reply to Gala[drielSkywalker]’s queries about the upcoming iOS poetry app:

SkyBluePurple: @GaladrielSkywalker I didn’t know the answers, so I asked the one and only @mark, and here is what he had to say:

(Spoiler alert ~ you are gonna be realllly excited about his answer!)

Free, unlimited poems, but iPhone (or iPod touch) only to start. On the phone, wifi or cellular, natch.

On the web app, the 5-poem restriction will be lifted and schools will be getting it for free, too.

I am SO excited! Lark will be a great new addition to the Storybird Family. What do you think?

And talking of features, try this poll:

News, News, News!!

So first of all, N&N (New & Noted, aka Featured) for Longform Books is finally here!! Aaaah!

Also, the italics and bold features for Longforms will be here very soon, probably this week. To italicize something, you will have to do _this_, and to make something bold, *this*.

Exciting, no?

Also, APT 13 is here!!! And more importantly, Cookie is back!

Most of you already knew this, but:

1. The commenting filter (which did not let you write certain words) has now been removed, because all comments are moderated anyway.

2. Also, @christina has left the Storybird team, @Nate is now the new Community Manager, and @SkyBluePurple is well, a part of the SB Team!


Plus, a huge sorry, everyone who signed up as an Insider! I was experiencing some technical issues and have now transferred to another host for the newsletters. All those who signed up, you will receive your first newsletter in about *looks at watch* um, five minutes ^_^ Remember to check your email’s spam folder!

For all those who don’t know about the YSBU Insider Newsletter yet, sign up for it here, for free!

Current Admins (as of July 23, 2014)

Hello guys!

We’ve got a lot of admins now, and I’m really very excited. 🙂 Here’s a complete list. We may be getting two-three more soon, but these are the current ones:

  1. cherry_blossom
  2. SkyBluePurple
  3. deepfried_freak
  4. Sweet_Pea
  5. hostine

=D I have a feeling Amazowriter and secondredhead may join, but these are all for now. 🙂 Welcome, all the new admins!


Guys, I’m hyperventilating! I’ve got some potatorific news:

Someone has joined YSBU as an admin.

Someone awesome.

That someone is…

the one and only…


I am soo excited! Welcome, Sky! 😀

In case you don’t already know, SkyBluePurple is a Storyspotter on Storybird, and a pretty potatorific person 🙂

=D Can you believe it? Seems too good to be true, no? 😀