(First world) Bookworm Problems

Creative Writing with the Crimson League

  1. 1207951_woman_reading_at_homeRead something completely new? Reread something awesome? Read the next book in that series you started and are loving? This leads to:
  2. You sometimes read so many books at once that you forget what’s happening or where you are in some of them.
  3. The multiple books you are reading all jumble together in a weird dream where you and Harry Potter are hanging out with Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennett but then you all have to fight to the death in the Hunger Games. Harry dies first because he won’t use his wand to do anything but disarm people. You escape on a raft down the Mississippi with Huck Finn….
  4. I just got to the BEST PART of this novel and…. Oh yeah, that work place. I guess I’d better go to there. Le sigh.
  5. Why, favorite book? Why did you take a suicide dive off my bookshelf? Now your…

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