“Buddy” by BlondieBallet – A Storybird Review

by BlondieBallet
Format: Picture Book
Age range:
Published: March 20, 2014
Artist: Inkymum

Buddy is a heartwarming story about a deaf girl who longs for a dog. It gives a very warm message about sacrificing things you love for someone else, and how little good deeds can make someone’s world colourful. The narrator, Melanie, whose father teaches at a school for the deaf, takes her dog, Buddy, with her as she waits for her father. She meets another girl, Jackie, who has hearing problems but communicates using sign language. Jackie likes her dog because it reminds her of one of her therapy dogs, and as she plays with Buddy, Melanie sees Jackie’s face light up and offers her to keep the dog.

Buddy is written in a beautiful manner, with matching pictures which complement the story perfectly. It gives loads of positive messages, and is recommended for readers 8+.