Current Admins (as of July 23, 2014)

Hello guys!

We’ve got a lot of admins now, and I’m really very excited. 🙂 Here’s a complete list. We may be getting two-three more soon, but these are the current ones:

  1. cherry_blossom
  2. SkyBluePurple
  3. deepfried_freak
  4. Sweet_Pea
  5. hostine

=D I have a feeling Amazowriter and secondredhead may join, but these are all for now. 🙂 Welcome, all the new admins!

16 thoughts on “Current Admins (as of July 23, 2014)

  1. Yaaaay! Thank you so much for letting me join. Now I’m trying desperately to find the “Da bomb” or “This is on fire” button :).

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Hahahahahahaha, I meant the facebook literal like button, with the thumb and stuff. x)


  2. Hi, Amazowriter here. I do want to be an admin, and if it’s ok I still would like to join :-). Quick question, do I need a WordPress account? If I do, I’m on it!!!


I'd love your thoughts!